Am I causing wipes? "Inconsistent DPS"

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Am I causing wipes? "Inconsistent DPS"

Unread postby Nexica Fri May 06, 2016 10:07 am

I have been told my "damage sucks" and my "mechanics suck" Two months ago I was told I pay too much attention to my mechanics, now I'm being told I don't pay attention to mechanics.

I was told that I was the cause for 5 wipes on our most miserable night on Archimond in ages, and while I struggle reading logs terribly, and I mean terribly, I can't see but one where I was the cause of the group wiping, big tip here mages, if you blink right before torment chains come out, your DBM doesn't consider the range and if you fart it breaks, so I see myself killing the group there. Here are the logs to THAT beast. ... iew=replay" target="_blank

Armory: ... a/advanced" target="_blank
Spec: Arcane
Issue: Now the big issue is the how can I up my DPS. I've been told that as arcane my numbers are "not consistent enough" and I "need to improve". I'm not really great at reading logs so I'm hoping I can get help there.

Logs: ... 50/latest/" target="_blank
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Re: Am I causing wipes? "Inconsistent DPS"

Unread postby Wilderness Fri May 06, 2016 5:31 pm

I'm not the best at analyzing logs either, but you're not casting enough. On the longest pulls you have, you are always near the top of damage in P1 - which is where an Arcane mage should be. Even then though, you seem to have 85-90% uptime in P1 when there really should be very little movement.

Then in P2 and P3 you really fall off. On the 0% wipe (#22), both other mages did close to double your damage in P3. The other Arcane mage did live another ~45 seconds after a lot of the raid including you was dead, but that's still a big discrepancy. Up to the point where you died, 7:03 into the fight, you had 184 casts in P3. The other Arcane mage had 246. That's a huge difference. Both of them were right around 99% uptime in P3 until the time that you and the Frost mage died, whereas you were at 93%.

It looks like you aren't doing a very good job of dealing with keeping casting while moving or planning your positioning around minimizing your movement. Both other mages on that pull used Ice Floes 6-7 more times than you, and the Arcane mage used Presence of Mind 5 times to your 2. He also blinked 10 times to your 4. You really need to be aware of your movement as Arcane because your damage falls off fast if you aren't casting all the time. Know where you need to be, and when you'll need to be there, so that you can keep casting until the last second and blink once or twice to get there. Or slowly move there over several seconds using Ice Floes - and remember that after you reset with barrage you have an empty GCD that you aren't casting, so move in little bursts if you know you need to re-position soon.

You were about to use PC/AP again when you died, but he used both 5 times, where you only had 3. In P3 it looks like you are syncing PC/AP with the ring, and the other arcane mage is not. Assuming you are using the ring to help burst down one of the harder waves of infernals, then you using PC then is not helping because you're splitting damage rather than targeting the infernals that need to die. If you de-sync AP/PC from the ring you can use it right at the start of P3, then again later on, which is what that other mage did. That allows to you to focus burning Arch with those, and then use the ring on infernals. Follow your normal conserve rotation on infernals, but if they are dying slowly then do a small burn. Being able to whip out on-demand damage like that is one of Arcane's strengths.
Ashamanxx || <Good Talk> || 13/13M
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Re: Am I causing wipes? "Inconsistent DPS"

Unread postby yungg Fri May 06, 2016 6:08 pm

desyncing AP/PC from ring to use on infernals is some MVP shit honestly. you lose a lot of overall damage, but you contribute so much more to the harder parts of the fight.
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Re: Am I causing wipes? "Inconsistent DPS"

Unread postby Nexica Sat May 07, 2016 8:26 pm

I'll start working on the changes you suggested Wilderness, are you at all able to tell me though if the officer telling me that I'm causing wipes is right or not?

I appreciate the feedback!
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Re: Am I causing wipes? "Inconsistent DPS"

Unread postby Wilderness Sat May 07, 2016 10:10 pm

I only looked at a handful of the long wipes, so maybe you're screwing up a lot in the shorter pulls but I didn't see anything where you outright caused a big issue then. I'm always hesitant to say that one person not doing well damage wise on a fight is the reason something wasn't a kill, because there's always several people who could have done better or not made mistakes either. But, to be honest, your P3 damage was really far behind the other 2 mages in your 0% wipe - if you'd been even sort of near them that's probably a kill.
Ashamanxx || <Good Talk> || 13/13M
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Re: Am I causing wipes? "Inconsistent DPS"

Unread postby Nexica Sun May 08, 2016 3:06 am

I know my DPS isn't the reason we're wiping, I'm being told my mechanics are causing wipes, specifically that in that set of 26 wipes that I caused 5 of them myself.
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Re: Am I causing wipes? "Inconsistent DPS"

Unread postby yungg Sun May 08, 2016 6:56 pm

if you're worried about it talk to your guild leadership. if they said you caused five wipes, then they can probably point out those five instances.
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Re: Am I causing wipes? "Inconsistent DPS"

Unread postby Nexica Sun May 08, 2016 7:47 pm

I did. They are not giving me any information on those five instances, so I am trying to reach out

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