Lower than wanted parses

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Lower than wanted parses

Unread postby Zeta Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:32 pm

A lot of my parses are lower than I would like. The best example I can give is that on Krosus I'm 92nd overall percentile, but I'm 71st for my ilvl. I'm wondering if there's something that I can be doing better to maximize my dps (as far as rotation goes) or if it's simply because my kill times are slow with my guild. I know that there's some things that I can be doing better when it comes to positioning, but are those really going to push me into the 90th percentile (where I would like to be)? I think part of it is our boomkin is like 95th+ percentile on every fight and I want to be there, but I don't know if I can because I can play super well, barely move at all, and not get hit by the RNG mechanics and I'm still only hitting like 80th percentile so I'm wondering how much is our time. The logs for our "normal" is below because I figure if there's anything wrong with my rotation normal Krosus would be the fight to show it. Thank you in advance for any and all help

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/gGLpwnkaWj6MFKz4" target="_blank
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Re: Lower than wanted parses

Unread postby Irugard Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:43 pm

1 major thing you are doing wrong is using PoM at the start of AP rune instead of at the end of AP rune. You are wasting an entire GCD at 40% increased dmg which is big.

Besides that it comes down to rng and making sure you don't munch missiles procs

Edit: one of your trinkets is really bad for ST (fury). Once you get the guldan trinket you will start to see things go crazy.
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Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:03 pm

Re: Lower than wanted parses

Unread postby Zeta Wed Feb 22, 2017 4:06 pm

Thanks for your help. I was under the impression that you're supposed to weave AB in during RoP using PoM between arcane missile procs to see if you get another proc/get the 10% more damage from artifact trait. Is that incorrect? Is it just not worth using up the GCD because I could definitely see that being a possibility. I do have an Int/Vers trinket or Urn, but it only sims like 1k better or something so on any fight that has any adds at all I tend to stick with Fury. Here's my parses from last night on our heroic run, they were slightly better.

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/3M6DVCnXTtv4F8Q9" target="_blank

I also believe my stats are as follows if it helps:

Crit: 30%
Haste: 22%
Mastery: 26%
Vers: 12%

I have Kilt which is reason for my mastery being a little on the low side, but I think I can go slightly lower?

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