A few noob fire questions

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A few noob fire questions

Unread postby Zhaoxin Fri Dec 01, 2017 4:30 pm

I'm trying out Fire this tier and while I like it a lot, having trouble making comparable DPS numbers to me as Arcane.

1) How leggo dependent is the spec? E.g. is there an upper limit for how high I should expect to parse without the bracers?

2) What's a solid ST talent set-up for Antorus you'd recommend that does decent and helps learn the spec? (until, of course, I get the T21 bonuses and and Conflag/Pyro + Kindling + RoP maybe? become standard)

3) Now that Charm of the Rising Tide and Sentinel's are mutually exclusive uses - should Sentinel's always be with Combustion and Rising tide anytime thereafter (ofc taking advantages of other procs and things of that sort)

4) Just to be sure I'm clear - what's the # of Pyro's I should ideally always fit into Combustion?

5) For AoE, should I generally boss-single target and let Ignite do the spread cleave, or Flamestrike if there's 4+ targets?


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