Trying to get better

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Trying to get better

Unread postby Snoogans Mon Dec 04, 2017 2:37 am

Hi all,

I started playing in August. Trying to get better gear through Mythic+ and Raiding weekly (we've moved on from Heroic ToS to normal AoTC yet). I'm having issues with lackluster dps as a fire mage. Arcane and Frost mages out dps me every time. I don't want to make a switch yet and was wondering if anyone had some advice.

Armory link: ... /gilgalian

Icy-veins was my go-to source and they are now saying Mastery is more important than Crit (without the 4-set Tier 21). I'm finding this hard to believe, but have been making modifications since.

Can anyone see spots where I can improve my gear/stats for better dps? I have the legendary robe and gloves, but prefer the ring with the waist (they're my only 4 legendaries and I'm hoping the wrists drop one day). My rotation has always been combustion, fireball, meteor, instant, pyro, instant, pyro, etc, spam fireball, instant pyro and when mob is 30% or lower i'll spam Scorch instead. This is single target. Multi target I go Living Bomb.

Thanks for any advice!
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Joined: Sun Dec 03, 2017 12:58 pm

Re: Trying to get better

Unread postby threesheepio Mon Dec 04, 2017 1:06 pm

I'd highly recommend simming your character on and using the top gear on it to find out what setup out of your gear pieces actually performs the best since the values of your secondary stats affect which stat is currently strongest for you. Might want to download the simpermut addon for importing your alternate gear pieces easily. For fire I'd at least look at single and 2 target fights as mastery gets much stronger in multi target situations and just adjust the gear sets based on what type of fight it is. I actually don't have the soul of the archmage or pyrotex gloves, but from most of the research I've done on it, you want to switch in your gloves for cleave/aoe fights esp. once you have t21 as the set bonuses go really well with that legendary. I went ahead and simmed you for stat weights and found the following.
single target:
( Pawn: v1: "gilgalian - Fire (Raidbots)": Class=Mage, Spec=Fire, Intellect=16.88, CritRating=17.86, HasteRating=17.85, MasteryRating=18.62, Versatility=20.35 )

2 target cleave:
( Pawn: v1: "gilgalian - Fire (Raidbots)": Class=Mage, Spec=Fire, Intellect=24.96, CritRating=27.04, HasteRating=24.87, MasteryRating=37.89, Versatility=30.21 )

Don't know how familiar you are with weights like this but it shows you how much of a dps increase you'd gain for a point of each stat at your current level. The pawn string given when you generate stat weights using raidbots can be used to create a profile on the pawn addon that should automatically tell you how much of a difference between what drops and your current gear (disregarding trinkets and set bonuses) to give you an idea of what is an upgrade to roll on. Though once again, resim it after you get new pieces if you want more accurate results. Your legendaries and talents can also impact your stat weights significantly as firestarter and the legendary belt devalue crit and increase haste value though in t21 gear the belt and firestarter lose value because you will want to take kindling which doesn't work with scorch and use combustion at the start of the fights to get as many as possible off (making firestarter no longer the go to).

With your rotation listed, I'm assuming you're waiting until 90% to pop combustion since you have firestarter as a talent and making sure you have a heating up proc you can force into a hot streak or an actual hot streak so that you can combustion toward the end of your fireball and immediately have fb and pyro hit at the same right after it starts followed by another pyro then other instants. Other than that, not too much critique that can be done without logs and I'm not exactly an expert on logs to begin with.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Dec 04, 2017 2:20 am

Re: Trying to get better

Unread postby Snoogans Thu Dec 07, 2017 10:45 am

Thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate it! I will look into the sim tools you mention. As an EQ2 transplant from long ago (a top Necromancer), WoW mages are much different than I expected.

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