AP Grind

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AP Grind

Unread postby nafuch Tue Jun 06, 2017 2:03 pm

Just curious to what the rest of you think about this ........

IMHO it is getting ridiclous that my next point will require me to get 1.1 billion points for the next rank of Concordance of the Legionfall

In all honestly I can't be bothered with this anymore because of the whole repetiveness of it

What do you all think of it ?
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Re: AP Grind

Unread postby music49 Tue Jun 06, 2017 3:38 pm

I agree, I like the idea of always have something to work for, but the fact that most have already gotten the first point in the trait and we haven't even got to ToS yet is weird. In my opinion they should have made the Concordance unlock with the last raid. The way i would also do it is have way more points in that trait and grant a lot less whatever stat it give your toon, but each point requires the same amount of AP
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Re: AP Grind

Unread postby Tipsey Tue Jun 06, 2017 8:47 pm

I think they have done it the way it is for a reason. That being, balancing. It's a lot easier for them to balance encounters around assuming everyone has at least one rank of concordance. Also if it was a flat amount to gain the next rank some people would have a ton more than others which presents different balancing issues.

They have essentially made AP meaningfully meaningless. You will always have a place to put it, and with the current AK cap, I imagine nobody will have it maxed out by the end of ToS. At which point they can then add a few more AK levels and allow us to progress further and faster with concordance for the next tier of raiding.
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Re: AP Grind

Unread postby Xaximbo Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:49 pm

after i got concordance on frost weapon i have started investing in the fire weapon. Without any active Ap farming i am 2 traits far from concordance on offspec too. I think this is the best you can do, if there is any skorpyron style fight in ToS (which should as they like to put at least 1 purely single target fight + 1 AoE fight) you want to swap to fire in good conditions. Arcane has the problem of being jack of all trades but master of none so unless you enjoy the arcane playstyle, number wise i think is better to stick to frost for most encounters and have an AoE spec for the rest which fire should be slightly better than frost.

When i'm done with fire i am going to invest fully on frost but without any ap grind... in fact i'd have preferred they didn't buff it, AP farm should be gone it burns people.
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Re: AP Grind

Unread postby Fleks Tue Jun 13, 2017 10:27 pm

the grind was way worse for 35/54 traits
if you have 52 or 58 doesnt really matter, theres no huge jump.
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Re: AP Grind

Unread postby pleblius Thu Jun 15, 2017 6:17 pm

I think the system in general was really poorly designed. That said, I think what they're doing with Concordance is probably the least-bad option.

It's definitely better than the 54-trait grind for NH, which was an issue because each trait was roughly the same amount of effort, so it was feasible to be maxed out, and the gain was large enough that you were basically forced into grinding it out if you wanted to progress meaningfully. I know this bit a lot of people in the ass, and resulted in quite a few of my friends and in-game acquaintances quitting; 20-30 hours of in-game grinding a week outside of raid was obscene, especially for people who are married, dating, have kids, work, or just generally don't want to devote their life solely to a single game.

The way concordance works, you never feel like your AP rewards from doing stuff are wasted, but you don't really gain anything by doing it either. It's illusory, and as people get farther and farther and realize just how impossible it really is it might become more of an issue, but it buys Blizzard some time for whatever the next step of this grind is.

Edit: I plan on putting forth zero additional effort to gain AP for extra Concordance levels. I've got better things to do with my life now.
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Re: AP Grind

Unread postby Devlonir Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:25 pm

Edit: I plan on putting forth zero additional effort to gain AP for extra Concordance levels. I've got better things to do with my life now.
That people can say this is exactly the reason why the AK is capped by the increased AP cost of higher Concordance levels isn't. After a while it really just becomes 300 extra mainstat you get on a proc for a week or more of AP. It becomes effectively meaningless to farm more AP but not entirely meaningless. Which means AP is just a nice little bonus thing you get instead of something you must grind super hard for.

This allowed me the room to just bring all my weapons up to Concordance level without feeling I am gimping my DPS as much as it did before with the 54 level cap in NH. I know I could have like 5 or 6 levels more now on my main weapon but that is less than half the effect of the proc I am losing. It is worth a lot more to just have all my weapons ready to swap specs if the need rises for it. And I plan to be spec-flexible for ToS a lot more than I was at any time earlier in this expac.

And I like that!

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