Bug with my RoP WA

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Bug with my RoP WA

Unread postby Xenost Mon Oct 10, 2016 4:50 pm

Hi there,
I'm asking for help because I encounter a problem with my WA for RoP uptime.
Most of the time my RoP weak aura works wonder but when I'm in a moderate-sized raid it happens to bug.

The weak aura I set up is a counter which start after the event "RoP casted", it's a 10s timer. The problem I have when in a raid group is that my WA starts like 2 s after my cast, thus my aura fade when there still is 2s shown on the counter.

It's possible that it only happens if there is another mage in the raid group.
I would be grateful for any help regarding this problem, if it also happened to you and you know how to solve it.
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Re: Bug with my RoP WA

Unread postby Curnivore Mon Oct 10, 2016 5:16 pm

What kind of trigger is it? Is it combat logging based? I've seen those lagging in 7.x occasionally. You can post an export of the aura here or the weakauras forum.
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Joined: Thu Dec 11, 2014 8:41 pm

Re: Bug with my RoP WA

Unread postby Xenost Mon Oct 10, 2016 9:01 pm

Yes it's combat logging based with a timer of 10.

Here is the WA in lua :

Code: Select all

{ ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["disjunctive"] = "all", ["displayText"] = "%p", ["yOffset"] = -62.585235595703, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 0, ["customTextUpdate"] = "update", ["icon"] = true, ["fontFlags"] = "OUTLINE", ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", ["trigger"] = { ["duration"] = "10", ["unit"] = "player", ["customIcon"] = "function()\n local spell_name = \"Rune of Power\"\n return GetSpellTexture(spell_name)\nend", ["names"] = { }, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["spellName"] = "Rune de puissance", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["type"] = "event", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_SUMMON", ["unevent"] = "timed", ["customName"] = "function()\n local spell_name = \"Rune of Power\"\n return spell_name\nend", ["custom"] = "function()\n local spell_name = \"Rune of Power\"\n local charges_are_good = function(c)\n return c >= 0\n end\n \n local current_charges = select(1, GetSpellCharges(spell_name))\n return charges_are_good(current_charges)\nend", ["event"] = "Combat Log", ["customStacks"] = "function()\n local spell_name = \"Rune of Power\"\n local charges_are_good = function(c)\n return c >= 1\n end\n \n local current_charges = select(1, GetSpellCharges(spell_name)) \n return current_charges\nend", ["customDuration"] = "function()\n local spell_name = \"Rune of Power\"\n local charges_are_good = function(c)\n return c >= 0\n end\n \n local return_duration, return_expiration_time = 0, 0\n local time_right_now = GetTime()\n local current_charges, max_charges, last_cast_time, cooldown_duration = GetSpellCharges(spell_name)\n \n if (((last_cast_time - cooldown_duration) <= time_right_now) and\n ((last_cast_time + cooldown_duration) >= time_right_now) and\n charges_are_good(current_charges)) then\n return_duration = cooldown_duration\n return_expiration_time = last_cast_time + cooldown_duration\n end\n return return_duration, return_expiration_time\nend", ["use_spellName"] = true, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["use_sourceUnit"] = true, ["check"] = "update", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["sourceUnit"] = "player", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", }, ["stickyDuration"] = false, ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["height"] = 20.786336898804, ["load"] = { ["use_never"] = false, ["talent"] = { ["single"] = 8, ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["single"] = 3, ["multi"] = { [3] = true, }, }, ["use_talent"] = true, ["use_class"] = true, ["role"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["difficulty"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["faction"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["race"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["class"] = { ["single"] = "MAGE", ["multi"] = { }, }, ["pvptalent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["fontSize"] = 21, ["displayStacks"] = "%p", ["regionType"] = "text", ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", }, }, ["parent"] = "RoP - Legion", ["init_completed"] = 1, ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["finish"] = { }, ["init"] = { }, }, ["xOffset"] = 123.76062011719, ["stacksContainment"] = "INSIDE", ["zoom"] = 0.2, ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["id"] = "RoP - Legion (Active, Timer only)", ["additional_triggers"] = { [1] = { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "aura", ["spellId"] = "178775", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["use_name"] = true, ["use_spellId"] = true, ["name"] = "Rune de puissance", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["unit"] = "player", ["names"] = { [1] = "Rune de puissance", }, ["spellIds"] = { [1] = 178775, }, ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, }, ["numTriggers"] = 2, ["frameStrata"] = 5, ["width"] = 38.290599822998, ["desaturate"] = false, ["untrigger"] = { ["custom"] = "function()\n local spell_name = \"Rune of Power\"\n local charges_are_good = function(c)\n return c < 0\n end\n \n local current_charges = select(1, GetSpellCharges(spell_name))\n return charges_are_good(current_charges)\nend", }, ["inverse"] = false, ["color"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 1, [3] = 0.20392156862745, [4] = 1, }, ["auto"] = false, ["displayIcon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\spell_mage_runeofpower", ["stacksPoint"] = "TOP", ["textColor"] = { [1] = 0, [2] = 1, [3] = 0.23921568627451, [4] = 1, }, }

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