Anyone else feel like quitting after quickening removal?

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Re: Anyone else feel like quitting after quickening removal?

Unread postby Dellirium Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:02 pm

One of the reasons I'm happy its gone is I wont have to do retarded blink crap to avoid stacks dropping.
But at what cost... we are a 2 button spec now :S I'd rather have to blink around to avoid stack drops then be dropped to a slow casting 2 button class
or else I just shifted class for the duration of the distasteful change.
Well... blizz decided to make that impossible with artifacts... so there is that. I unlike you however did not play this class or spec since vanila, I only came to it because of quickening, and now its gone... so there is literally no reason to stay.

Just look at it like this. They're potentially removing Quickening. You'd be getting Temporal Flux which is a very low level quickening and fails to fully replace it. Nothing is set in stone on the PTR right now. So hold off on freaking out over it, and instead, turn that dwelling and griping you have right now about it, into something that can be useful for the community and yourself. Help us all find a way to challenge the Arcane Mage and make it into something better through constructive conversation.
Problem is, Temporal Flux is not replacing the playstyle, at all. The stat screen will be +20% haste, but it is not what gets me.... blizzard made it so that this expansion switching characters or even specs is pretty much impossible if you want to keep up.... and then they go with Complete Playstyle Overhauls like these.... I understand that arcane was boring 2 button spec throughout the years and people that are considering themselves Arcane Mage mains are not troubled by this change at all, it is turning the spec into what it was in previous 3 expansions.... I however only picked it because of quickening, because of the rush it gives, because of the micro management that was needed to play it well. You had to take care of your mana, stacks, cds, align it all and never drop stacks. It was a challenge to play it, it was fun, it is ruined. Even if they give me passive 100% haste it is still ruined, as a playstyle... and this, mind you is not a nerf, its actually a buff.... which makes it worse... Went from high skill class that needed to preplan the encounter to maximize the efficiency and struggle to do good, into 2 button class that you can play while afk breastfeeding... THAT is not what i choose when i started to play... that is what is bothering me... i chose what I had before.
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Re: Anyone else feel like quitting after quickening removal?

Unread postby Dellirium Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:17 pm

Yep quickening is the whole point and only mechanic of arcane, it's like removing hot streak from fire ...
But give them 30% additional crit from stats and let them cast, idk sorch on the move. Oh wait...
This is precisly what aches me... its our mechanic that got wrecked. Arcane Charges are not a mechanic... Mana management would arguably be a mechanic was it to have impact, like with old mastery, but it doesnt. Quickening is what we had and it was the concept of this spec when we started legion.... and now its gone. But hey we can cast arcane missiles while moving and we got some base static haste! Totally worth the change....

Just like.... leave the goddamn talent as an option for people who liked it and change other ones... All they needed to do was give the "Overpowered" rework like they did, people would NOT pick Quickening over that if they are bothered by it... god knows it is definitively competitive...
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Re: Anyone else feel like quitting after quickening removal?

Unread postby Gourdin Tue Nov 29, 2016 10:05 am

Winter is coming, I guess it's time to hibernate until next extansion...
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Re: Anyone else feel like quitting after quickening removal?

Unread postby Komma Wed Nov 30, 2016 8:58 am

This thread is going nowhere as a whine thread. I will lock it now, and as a moderator, I regret not taking action earlier.
Admin of Altered Time.

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