Charged up or Resonance

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Charged up or Resonance

Unread postby Kyzenx Wed Apr 26, 2017 11:12 am

Hello dear mages. I have a question. Which talents are good for ST; Charged up or Resonance any peoples using Resonance for ST. So do you thing guyz resonance is good for single target or this is just choice? Thnx for answering. Have a good day :)
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Re: Charged up or Resonance

Unread postby maynord Wed Apr 26, 2017 12:51 pm

Resonance is fine. Logs/sims show CU/Resonance are about the same, it's just personal preference. CU works well with Kilt, or if you need Chrono Shift buffs at specific times.

Hell, even Supernova is competitive with both of them for ST, and is an underrated spell.
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Re: Charged up or Resonance

Unread postby testacular Wed Apr 26, 2017 2:44 pm

Except target dummy, there is about 0-1 (oh hello Star Augur) fights with single target only.
That's why Resonance makes sense in most fight - you will cleave anyway. Although if you have KIlt legendary, you very likely want CU as it synergizes extremely well.

Other than that, pick what you want.

As a side note - Supernova is indeed usable especially if you can use it to interrupt (in some high M+ this is very valuable).
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Re: Charged up or Resonance

Unread postby Causese Fri Apr 28, 2017 10:28 am

sometimes shorter opener/earlier usage of cooldowns makes the fight easier and leads to more dps aswell

charged up is MoA->RoP->AP = opener ends after 13s or 14,7s (if you precast ab)
resonance is -> stack to 4x AB -> MoA -> RoP -> AP = opener ends after 20,4s~


if you use CU on tichondrius mythic, and AP on cooldown (except before 2nd bat phase, you should delay that one),
you can destroy first set of felsworn spellguards, it makes the fight a lot easier for tanks (during progress atleast)

another example:" target="_blank
breath comes @36 and fight starts at @21

with CU you would be done with your opener and could fully focus on boss mechanics,
and with resonance you'd have to play mechanics in that scenario while buffs/rune of power is active

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