T21 Changes from PTR Build 25326

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T21 Changes from PTR Build 25326

Unread postby Schneeze Wed Oct 18, 2017 4:09 pm

From what I've heard from other Arcane folk, the tier bonus for Antorus is pretty lackluster, so I never gave it much thought. With the recent changes however (listed here - http://www.wowhead.com/news=274224/7-3- ... ket-tuning), I thought I'd give it another look, and I'm actually quite impressed.

2 pc - Each Arcane Charge you spend increases your damage dealt by 4% (up from 2%) for 8 sec.
4 pc - When you generate an Arcane Charge, you have an 8% (up from 4%) chance to increase your haste by 20% for 6 sec.

Now, when I see this, I see a buff to our abysmal downtime. Neither bonus is going to come into play during our burn phase except for right at the start, and I think that's fine, since our burn is pretty damn solid. However, right as you enter conserve and throw out a Barrage, that's going to be a 16% damage increase for 8 seconds, which seems incredible! Better yet, since the buff lasts 8 seconds, we can easily maintain 100% uptime with at least a 12% damage boost. As for the 4pc, I'm a little more hesitant to praise it because of the RNG involved, but it'll have a decent chance to proc during the conserve phase, and if you're getting ready for the burn, that's a 32% chance to trigger. Not super high, but a 1 in 3 chance to enter burn with a mini-lust sounds like a pretty good deal.

Overall, I'm excited to try this out, but maybe I've got it all wrong and it's still not that good. If so, I'd like to hear y'all's thoughts on this!
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Re: T21 Changes from PTR Build 25326

Unread postby Arindiel Wed Oct 18, 2017 4:52 pm

2pc seems a bit more attractive now than the utter garbage it used to be.Nothing big but at least better.
4pc is still bad despite the increased chance to proc. 6seconds is not good enough to make it work.They need to increase to 8-10sec to make it worth the trouble.
As for the 32% chance to trigger that is incorrect because every time you gain a charge its 8% and it is not 4*8=32 as you seem to presume so the chance to proc is still abysmal.
Need to test it tough and simcraft it to see which option is better a)go for 4T21 OR b)dont go for 4T21 and use random items with great stats.
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Re: T21 Changes from PTR Build 25326

Unread postby Schneeze Wed Oct 18, 2017 5:07 pm

Shoot, you're right that I did the math wrong with the 4pc, so let me change it up a bit. Since it's 8% chance to proc, that's a 92% that it doesn't. After gaining 4 charges, that means that the chance of NOT triggering the 4pc is 0.92^4 = 0.716, so 72%. That would mean that any other outcome - a 4pc trigger going through - would have a 28% chance of happening. Of course, that trigger could be on the first charge, making the haste less useful, so I can see now why this lacks in power, and I agree that the duration needs to be increased.
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Re: T21 Changes from PTR Build 25326

Unread postby DocileCraig Wed Oct 18, 2017 7:18 pm

Neither bonus is going to come into play during our burn phase except for right at the start...
What about with Charged Up?
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Re: T21 Changes from PTR Build 25326

Unread postby lastre Wed Oct 18, 2017 9:51 pm

Dont know if this question is already answered, but, it counts to generate an arcane charge when you are already at 4 charges and cast a generator?, for the 4 piece proc it can help a little.
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Re: T21 Changes from PTR Build 25326

Unread postby Kelmor Thu Oct 19, 2017 2:00 pm

Don't know if you ever played with Charged Up, especialy with Kilt. Of corse you barrage before Charged Up and of corse you do that in burnphase. The boost make at least 2pT21 quite good. On ST 4p isn't anyway. Especialy as you want to use 2pT20 with it and Kilt. So 2pT20/T21 will be the way to go in the beginning ofthe next patch.

But as I wrote in another Treat, thinking of AoE 4pT21 might be better than 2pT20/T21and will be better when bombing without Kilt.
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Re: T21 Changes from PTR Build 25326

Unread postby Urca Thu Oct 19, 2017 8:33 pm

Ive done some testing on the ptr with the new tier.

Amp, RoP, Resonance, Erosion, OP,
4pc tier 21 and 2 pc tier 20.
Arcano 915 and the new legendary trinket.
Double Legendary Rings.
ILVL 944 67 Traits
1.6M Dps

Amp, RoP, Resonance, Erosion, OP,
4 pc tier 20.
Arcano 915 and the new legendary trinket.
LVL 944 67 Traits
1.37M Dps

I know there is a lot of RNG but i think the difference is pretty huge. It looks like even though the tier looks bad, its pretty good. The 20% haste buff triggers a decent amount of time.
I tried Charged Up, didnt feel like it was working, no need to build up 4 charges twice in a row other than in the opener.

Disclaimer: These are target dummy tests, not Simulations so there is a lot of RNG on the couple of pulls i did. I just played the tier 21 rotation as if i didnt have it, so there might be a better way to play around it.
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Re: T21 Changes from PTR Build 25326

Unread postby Corpze Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:37 pm

In regards to the 4P T21 I think the text might be a bit misleading and that might be effecting the mathematical formula in such a way that it doesn't represent what's actually triggering the effect. Mainly, that we don't know if pressing POM and generating x4 charges gives you a 32% chance to trigger the 20% haste boost. In effect, that would be roughly a 1/3 chance without any other spell to increase your dps in our most important burst windows. Essentially, the RNG roll of the 4P T21 will either grant decent ST DPS or we'll be stuck on the bottom tier for DPS.

However, the 4P T21 has a different effect on AOE. On that topic, arcane is already insanely strong. Give arcane 4+ mobs and they're going to shred them. If the generators proc as they should, arcane orb will have a 1/3 chance to grant a mini-lust and if youre running mantle/kilt combo its easily forseeable that you can maintain that sick 20% haste up time near 100%. Sure it will be RNG related but when you're already sitting at the top of the AOE meters, this is just icing.

Hit me up with comments and tell me what you think

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