Brainstorm with incanters flow?

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Brainstorm with incanters flow?

Unread postby Milhouse Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:58 pm

Hi, I'm new here and wrote a lot of interesting stuff, especially about the pre-evo rotation and the use of the brainstorm trait.

I checked a lot of talent combination and want to play with the talent incanters flow instead of rune of power. It's much easier and I can more focus on the boss, master my rotation, use def CD.... As long as I don't mastered the arcane I want to go on with this talent.

Now I have following problem:
I wrote the fantastic guide for arcane mages and loved it. But I don't know if it makes sense to play with brainstorm without using rune of power. Somebody know it? At the moment I use 2x galvanizing spark and 1xlasermatrix. Should I go on with it or change to 2x brainstorm and 1x galvanizing spark. The guide just told "it is the strongest trait if you stack it and use rune of power"

I hope this post make sense. My English is not good, sorry for that.

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