Marquee Bindings of the Sun King Rotation Question

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Marquee Bindings of the Sun King Rotation Question

Unread postby Delandel Sun Sep 17, 2017 1:53 am

I FINALLY got my legendary bracers, hooray! I have some questions of proper usage, however.

1) Should you always use the bracer proc asap, or is it sometimes better to delay it? For example, delaying it until you get Heating Up proc, so you can start hardcasting pyro --> fireblast --> finish casting pyro with an instant pyro, like we do with fireball + pyro?

2) Should you delay Combustion to fish for a bracer proc? I know starting a Combustion with a bracer proc is really sweet, but I don't know if it's worth delaying a bit to see if you get a proc.

3) How late into a hardcast pyro can you activate Combustion with the pyro benefiting from it?

4) Do you avoid using bracer procs when Sentinel Medallion is active? Seems like they work against each other.
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Re: Marquee Bindings of the Sun King Rotation Question

Unread postby Tyrannosaur Sun Sep 17, 2017 8:06 am

I'm by no means a fire mage god, but i will tell you about my own experiences with the bracers.

1) Delaying it can result in you munching several bracer procs. As you continue to cast instant pyros with hot streak, any one of them could trigger the bracers and make you miss several opportunities to hardcast. Your rotation example sounds fine, but i would always hardcast as soon as possible.

2) Only delay combustion if you use firestarter and are fishing for a bracer proc, or when you need to get 1 Phoenix with 3 fireblasts. Otherwise you aren't going to get the full benefit out of combustion.

3) You can hit it anytime up to the point the hardcast actually completes. I usually delay combustion until the hardcast has about .5 sec left.

4) Thats a tough one. I am usually using medallion with combustion so bracer cast will always take priority. I imagine if you were to do the math on what would do more damage, hardcast for bracers would probably win as even if it doesn't crit, its going to do at least 1.8-2.5m damage depending on your gear.
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Re: Marquee Bindings of the Sun King Rotation Question

Unread postby pyrotonic Mon Sep 18, 2017 8:37 pm

Dont worry about medallion. It still does damage every .8 secs no matter what. You only risk losing the extra damage procs and they are not garanteed anyway. Even if they were garanteed the pyro hardcast would out dps them easy.

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