Parsing awfully for my ilvl

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Joined: Wed Mar 22, 2017 6:00 pm

Parsing awfully for my ilvl

Unread postby Tinker Thu Jan 04, 2018 11:52 pm

Not too sure what exactly I'm doing wrong - I have good legendaries and decent trinkets, but I'm still way behind on parses (as well as guildies with similar ilvl). Any help would be appreciated. ... e&source=9 ... e&source=7
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Re: Parsing awfully for my ilvl

Unread postby Androkats Fri Jan 05, 2018 5:24 pm

Do not use conflagration, it's really only good for big pulls like in mythic+

You want to probably use firestarter. Although to know for sure you should sim yourself with pyromaniac and firestarter to compare. With firestarter you'll want to keep track of the bosses health so that your first combustion comes as soon as his hp hits 90%. Ezekielyo has a good guide that shows the opener and combustion rotations using firestarter.

Make sure that you only cast fireblast after you get a heating up proc so that you can instant pyro. And try not to let fireblast sit at 3 charges that's a big waste.

Also I noticed a few times where there were several fireballs (5 or 6) chain casted in a row. Make sure that when you get heating up procs you use fireblast during your fireball cast so that as soon as it ends you can shoot off a free pyroblast.

Lastly try not to cancel your casts so much, if you are in the middle of a cast and you have to move use shimmer.

I also would recommend getting more mastery, especially because you have the belt.
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Mar 22, 2017 6:00 pm

Re: Parsing awfully for my ilvl

Unread postby Tinker Fri Jan 05, 2018 6:48 pm

Thanks a lot! Fireball chains I notice happen more when I run out of fireblasts rather than having all of them, and then getting unlucky rolls (I more often tend to have the issue of having too little stuff to trigger a free pyro rather than too much, I've been trying to float at least a few when Combustion is coming up).

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