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Pyromaniac Weak Aura

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 7:38 pm
by Xerci
Does anybody have a WA for Pyromaniac?

Re: Pyromaniac Weak Aura

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:48 pm
by Preheet
I mean, you'd basically be tracking Hot Streak. But if you're talking about tracking the actual "chance/probability" of the talent, then I don't think that's possible tbh. It's an 8% chance to reactivate. It's much easier to just get used to spamming your Pyroblast button, and a trick that helps a lot is to just strafe/jump left and right when you're doing your Combustion rotation so that you don't start hardcasting (useful when BL/Hero is up)

Re: Pyromaniac Weak Aura

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:20 pm
by Xerci
So there is no way to tell if it procs?
Is that what you do every time you PB you just Spam PB and strafe out of it PB starts hard casting because it didnt proc?

Re: Pyromaniac Weak Aura

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 1:57 am
by ezekielyo
If there is a combat log event then you could track that but not sure why you want to?

Re: Pyromaniac Weak Aura

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 12:06 am
by Preheet
So there is no way to tell if it procs?
Is that what you do every time you PB you just Spam PB and strafe out of it PB starts hard casting because it didnt proc?
The way to tell it procs is when you throw out a pyro and get another one instantly xD That's why I'm saying you're essentially asking how to track something that's already tracked via. in-game alert (fire aura around your character).. Like I said, best way to utilize the talent efficiently is to get used to spamming Pyro during your opener and strafing back/forth so you don't hard cast.

Re: Pyromaniac Weak Aura

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 5:11 pm
by giermund
actually that would be useful, im playing like almost 1 year with firestarter. when fireball and pyro crits plus pyromaniac proc its a waste of one pyro. We must always use instant pyro for this talent and its bad. if i know when it proc that would be really nice. please help coders

Re: Pyromaniac Weak Aura

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 7:09 pm
by Fahrana
I am with Preheet on this one. The only use i would see in making a weakaura related to this one would be to see if you are munching them. You can code an aura to track when pyroblast is cast instantly and Hot Streak isn't consumed, thus pyromaniac proccing.

It is honestly a little bit of an awkward talent to use when you are used to the fast-paced playstyle on continuously casting, but on the other hand it does to some extent raise the skillcap a little bit. I find it quite fun to play with.

Re: Pyromaniac Weak Aura

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 11:07 am
by Sarat0ga
So the question raised by giermund would be more about rotation with pyromaniac and out of combustion.
If your normal rotation is Fireball->Fireball->(if heating up) Fireblast->Pyro->Fireball
You should replace it with Fireball->Fireball->(if heating up) Fireblast->Pyro-> (If hot streak) -> pyro OR (If heating up) Fireball->Fireblast->Pyro OR (if no proc) Restart at beginning.

Am I correct?