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Fully Annotated Fire Rotation

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 5:07 am
by Jaschrum2
Hey all, my name's Fluffy and I've been around (mostly healing) for a long time but recently decided to take a break and started maining a mage. I started fire mage about a month or so ago and quickly fell in love with the spec! A few days ago, one of my guildies noted that he was interested in fire mage but did not think it was very complicated so of course I had to prove him wrong (while also hopefully stoking his interest in fire)!
So I made a video where I fully annotated my thoughts during an 8 minute practice pull and described most of the intermediate mechanics of fire mage. The video is quite long (45 minutes) and rather raw so I really don't expect you to watch all of it, but I figured there might be some people who were interested in the spec but not quite sold on it, or who were playing fire mage actively but just didn't quite get it and wanted to see someone in action. Hopefully it will help someone out there understand something better, or perhaps simply make them realize the spec is as intricate as they think and they are not simply 'bad' at it. I attempted to point out mistakes I made, and also noted at the end of the video description a mistake I made in the commentary itself.
It's not a perfect video, nor edited in any way, so I almost definitely made a few minor factual errors or assumptions, so feel free to correct me or to pose any criticisms you might have. There is also some minor language so if you're sensitive to that be aware it is present.

If you do end up watching it, thanks! Feel free to send me messages, or if you have any particular questions that you think my limited experience might be able to address then feel free to shoot them my way.


P.S. Also if this isn't the appropriate place to post them, I'm sorry! Feel free to move it, of course, or to show me an appropriate place for it. I'm not promoting anything, just wanted to share my experiences and hope someone might benefit from or otherwise enjoy them!