PVP trinket question

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PVP trinket question

Unread postby Apark2241 Fri Dec 25, 2020 6:00 am

I see all the top mages using the crit variant of the pvp trinket. when i sim the haste is hands down the best as crit is our worst stat. I see that the crit variant gives a larger int bump on use but the haste on lasts longer. Does anyone have insight as to why people in limit and echo are using the crit version?
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Joined: Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:57 am

Re: PVP trinket question

Unread postby Arandomperson Fri Dec 25, 2020 10:49 pm

haste one is 184 ilvl max, the crit one can be up to 226(depending on your pvp rank), the difference in int on the active is massive. Also you can have enough haste from other gear to where it's not that big of a loss. With my gear atm my stat weights are haste 1.11/ crit 1.07 / mastery 1.07 / versa 1.05, so it's really quite close. Even if the active gave the same amount the 226 crit one might have been better than the 184 haste one because of the difference in stat amount.

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