Bad parses, idk why

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Bad parses, idk why

Unread postby Sickbrain Mon Feb 01, 2021 11:08 pm


So my parses in HC are quite bad, I'm not really sure how I can improve this.

Looking for some tips and tricks!


I'm night fae, using rune of power with shifting power when it comes to adds (sire and huntsman), and trinket upon combustion at all times.

Using fire blasts to consume heating up when it procs on fireball while the rest is on CD, and repeat.

on 25% and lower, i use scorch and fire blast if its up - otherwise duo scorch's until combustion rot

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Bad parses, idk why

Unread postby Strini Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:45 pm

you can begin scorching at 30% not 25%. It seems in this log you did but possibly because you had combust up as he hit 30%.

I looked at shriekwing log.

TL;DR: work on spell order in combust to get to 2x Infernal Cascade stacks immediately and maintain for as long as possible. and try to work on pyro fishing a bit and not wasting blasts.

Looking at your opener it looks like you precasted fireball then combusted and double fire blasted while not casting anything else. You should precast mirror image, then pyro so that the pyro hits on pull, immediately follow the pyro with trinket+racials and cast fireball. while mid casting the fireball you activate combust and then you fireblast 1-2x depending on if the pyro crit or not. then proceed into your pyro spam as normal while trying to maintain 2 stacks IC as long as possible (you did 3 fireblasts in a row in combust, you want to get your first two then weave in a phoenix flames and then fireblast after so you keep 2 stacks of IC as long as possible, and start your phoenix flames cd) In this case you barely missed not dropping IC stacks but only because of blood lust. if you do 2 phoenix flames back to back outside of lust (due to being out of fireblast cause u did 3 in a row) you will drop stacks mid combust.

In your second combust you seem to change your combust rotation completely and open with phoenix flames and no fireblasts. You definitely want those 2 stacks of IC asap in combust. You also activated your trinket almost 2 seconds into your combust. Your combusts should generally always be the same: trinket/racials into a fireball, combust mid fireball and activate hot streak with fireblasts after combust but before fireball cast has ended then pyro 2x then weave fireblast/phoenix with pyros to spam only instant pyros and maintain 2x IC.

Remember IC 2 stacks at 200 ilvl is about 25% more damage. It's very important. Fire mage damage is mostly from combust so you're essentially losing out on 12.5-25% of your dmg for any amount of time you spend in combust and not at 2 stacks of IC.

Other than that I'm just seeing some small stuff, like some spell canceling for movement i assume but with no real filler. It looks like you are pyro fishing but sometimes you don't do it properly (fire ball followed by 2 fireblasts solo casted, into a insta pyro with no fireball to fish). fishing itself doesn't generate a ton of extra dps but it helps bring in more crits and therefore more combusts so you should really try to min max these as much as you can. I didn't bother looking to closely at downtime vs shriekwing phasing, but just something to keep in mind try to be always casting if you can. fire needs to be hitting as much as possible to maximize kindling. Also as you get more geared your combust cd will naturally lower with increasing haste/crit and kindling. This will highlight the importance of activating your trinket+racial before combust as eventually you will get some sub 1 minute combusts (especially on fights where you lust on pull). and you don't want to be waiting on your trinket to combust. it lasts 15 seconds, and combust is 12, so doing it even 3 seconds before will still have full uptime.

as for sire and huntsman parses, they are a little scuff due to ads. if your group is full of aoe legends you can't really get much cleave in and you just won't parse well. I don't really aoe on sire and the ads pretty much insta-die anyways, but if you look at the top parsers on that fight they probably had a ton of ad dmg. if you're not getting any real meaningful aoe time on ads it's probably better to use stuff on cd rather than waiting for ad pad. if you want to full ad pad you should run flame patch and combust on ads and just hardcast flamestrike so that it hits just after ads spawn, combust during this flamestrike, double fireblast for 2x ic then follow with insta flamestrike spam do a phoenix flames+fireblast into another flamestrike then cast shifting power while still in combust and do two more fireblasts during shifting power to maintain IC and not cap charges and then continue phoenix+fireblast into insta strikes until combust is done. Ads will likely be dead before you get through this all but just transition to ST rotation as needed.

To write this a bit clearly as spell order:
trinket/racials -> Hardcast Flamestrike (combust+fireblast until hotstreak during the flamestrike hard cast. timing it so your second fireblast happens near the end of the flamestrike cast) -> flamestrike -> phoenix+fireblast -> flamestrike -> shifting power (2x fireblast during) -> flamestrike -> phoenix+fireblast -> flamestrike (repeat phoenix+fireblast into flamestrike until combust or no more charges then proceed as normal)

But again I stress this is going to be somewhat contingent on your group and how much aoe they are doing. You may have to try and cheese a bit to 'steal' aoe from others by forgoing some phoenix flames casts just to get more overall flamestrikes in before the ads die. This is purely for parsing and typically this isn't really good for progression.

Hope this helps and wasn't too wordy... gl

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