Question about rotation

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Question about rotation

Unread postby Schied Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:04 pm

I have seen a number of people posting around the internets that you should always prioritize brain freeze procs over ice lance. That seems intuitively wrong to me as you're giving up anywhere between 1.4 to 2.5 million free, instant cast damage (depending on if IV is up, stacks of bracers, and stacks of incanter's flow).

The only reason that I can think of for people to say you should do this in the following scenario:

You have a proc of brain freeze and 1 (or more) procs of fingers of frost. You're currently casting a frostbolt, and you have to decide whether to go for ice lance or flurry right after your frostbolt goes off. The argument for prioritizing brain freeze is that you might miss a proc from your current frostbolt if you choose to ice lance instead.

Is there any rigorous theorycrafting/sims that show you should be doing this, or is it just wishful thinking. My BF proc is at 30%, which is on the higher side of what we can get, but it is not like it is so high that I should be expecting procs every time I'm in this situation.
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Re: Question about rotation

Unread postby Xinder Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:45 pm

I have seen a number of people posting around the internets that you should always prioritize brain freeze procs over ice lance. That seems intuitively wrong to me as you're giving up anywhere between 1.4 to 2.5 million free, instant cast damage (depending on if IV is up, stacks of bracers, and stacks of incanter's flow).

The only reason that I can think of for people to say you should do this in the following scenario:

You have a proc of brain freeze and 1 (or more) procs of fingers of frost. You're currently casting a frostbolt, and you have to decide whether to go for ice lance or flurry right after your frostbolt goes off. The argument for prioritizing brain freeze is that you might miss a proc from your current frostbolt if you choose to ice lance instead.

Is there any rigorous theorycrafting/sims that show you should be doing this, or is it just wishful thinking. My BF proc is at 30%, which is on the higher side of what we can get, but it is not like it is so high that I should be expecting procs every time I'm in this situation.
You also forget that BrainFreeze procs give you a chain reaction stack because you shatter the frostbolt and you're reducing the cooldown of IV because the frostbolt crits. You miss out on those things by not doing the BF and instead ice lancing. In the TV thread on this forum I believe the last few pages have a discussion around the exact same thing. I think the dmg difference now is negligible if I recall what I read, you can check it out for sure in the other thread though.
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Re: Question about rotation

Unread postby nickseng Wed Jul 12, 2017 5:11 am

I have seen a number of people posting around the internets that you should always prioritize brain freeze procs over ice lance. That seems intuitively wrong to me as you're giving up anywhere between 1.4 to 2.5 million free, instant cast damage (depending on if IV is up, stacks of bracers, and stacks of incanter's flow).

The only reason that I can think of for people to say you should do this in the following scenario:

You have a proc of brain freeze and 1 (or more) procs of fingers of frost. You're currently casting a frostbolt, and you have to decide whether to go for ice lance or flurry right after your frostbolt goes off. The argument for prioritizing brain freeze is that you might miss a proc from your current frostbolt if you choose to ice lance instead.

Is there any rigorous theorycrafting/sims that show you should be doing this, or is it just wishful thinking. My BF proc is at 30%, which is on the higher side of what we can get, but it is not like it is so high that I should be expecting procs every time I'm in this situation.
You are right. The only time this is ever a decision is mid-cast Frostbolt and both buffs are up. Any other scenario, you'd go IL first because there is no risk of munching.

Prioritize BF when there is a risk of munching (i.e. during frostbolt casts), and it has been simmed to be better dps (slightly)

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