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Please help me to get my DPS up higher

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 12:35 am
by Gadriiel
Hii guys,
Like the title already says i need your help and i would really appreciate it :)
Before i start here are my logs: ... metric=dps

So i really wanna try to get my logs as high as possible with my equip.
My stats:
Crit: 33.77%
Haste: 27.75%
Mast: 50.18%
Vers: 13.51%

I already simed my char and i should be around 2 mil dps. But even on patchwork fights like Vari i only do around 1.55 which really sucks.
So i have some question that i hope you can help me with and maybe you see some of my mistakes:

1) I am pretty sure i munch some BF procs and loss dps on that am i right?
2) Also a really basic question: is it ok to stuck my icicles or should i always get rid of them when i have around 3?
3) I know i have to cast alwyas Frostbold -> Flurry -> IL in case that i have a BF proc but do i have to cast Frostbold always before i cast IL when i have a FoF proc?
4) My Mastery is to high and my Vers to low, right?

Sorry for my bad english i really hope that my problem is clear and that some mighty frost mage can help me :)

Re: Please help me to get my DPS up higher

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 6:23 am
by Jezrien
That dps is pretty much ok with your gear if you follow the tactics. If you do nothing but tunnel the boss then your dps is low. To clarify the situation - 1.3m dps was a common number within frost mages during 1st mythic week.
Yes, you munched 4 BF procs. You should use the 2nd pot with your BL and IV. You could have 2 more EB casts. You could pop 1 Blizzard during 1st intermission when both weapons were alive. It could give you 1 extra orb so you might be able to better sync it with 2nd BL and IV. And you have 2 lances without procs, which was a result of simple button spamming I guess.
About icicles - consider them just as an additional frost mage animation thing because they do nothing and you can do nothing with it because icicles can't stack it more than 5 - next gain icicle makes 1 to automatically hit the target.
And yes your mastery is a bit high and vers is a bit low but not like it's a real problem.

That's it I guess.

Re: Please help me to get my DPS up higher

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 10:51 am
by Gadriiel
First of all, thanks a lot for your answer.
I still have two questions:
1) is it necessary to cast Frostbolt before IL when i have a FoF proc?
2) Am i irght that i ONLY have to use IL after Frostbolt -> Flurry and after FoF and not to get rid of my icicles??
But still i have to make some huge mistake because like i said my sim dsp is around 2 mil dps and even in an patchwork fight like Vari i loose around 25% of that. If i consider that i make some mistakes and loose dps trough a bit movement i should be still arround 1,8 mil dps, right?

Re: Please help me to get my DPS up higher

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 12:34 pm
by Jezrien
1. Not really. But if you already start another FB having some FoFs then finish it and dump all procs with lances.
2. If it's question like "Should I cast unbuffed lance?" then short answer is - no, you should try to avoid casting unbuffed lances no matter what. With only 1 exception - you can cast such lances if you have to move but your shimmer is on CD. Icicles are 100% irrelevant mechanics of useless mastery.

About Sim dps. Default sim options for patchwerk type of fight is like if you hit the dummy without anything else (like moving, using defs etc.). I believe such things can be included and you would have different result. Also, for example, you have 30% to proc anything with some spell, and to SimC it means that every 3d cast of that spell must trigger that proc. But on practice you can have no procs at all or with every single cast. And even if you consider Sim dps result as something average between bad luck and perfect situation you still should remember about encounter requirements. For Garothi it's a lot of movement + soaking + stuns. If you want to get more dps (without those mistakes you did) you need just to focus on nuking the boss without helping your raid with fight mechanics.

Re: Please help me to get my DPS up higher

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 2:46 pm
by Gadriiel
OK thanks a lot that was really really helpfull!!!
If someone else finds any mistakes in my Logs/Analyzer i would really appreciate it :)