[US][H] <Life> 13/13m Tues/Thurs 6-10pm PST LF Mage!

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Joined: Sat May 07, 2016 2:05 am

[US][H] <Life> 13/13m Tues/Thurs 6-10pm PST LF Mage!

Unread postby Maysil Sat May 07, 2016 2:13 am

<Life> is located on high-population PVE-RP Wyrmrest Accord Horde-side. We're looking foward to the upcoming expansion and hope you'll come join us! We pride ourselves for a lively culture on a vibrant server while maintaining 8 hours per week. Our raids emphasize active learning and improvement, with low wipe recovery times and hourly breaks to keep everybody on the same page. Expect a raunchy but friendly atmosphere where mistakes aren't berated (but definitely poked fun at). The usual expectations apply.

We're looking for primarily:
Picking up a Mage for Legion would be awesome for us. At this point, not all of our raiders have decided what to main for Legion, so anyone and any class are heartily welcomed.

Raid times:
Tuesday/Thursday 6:00pm-10:00pm PST (9:00pm-1:00am EST)
Optional (read: older content) on Wednesdays and sometimes on Fridays, same time.

Contact info:
Naya#1629 - Recruitment Officer
Myst#1683 - GM
Nightingale#1480 - Officer

We also play other stuff like Terraria and Overwatch if you're into that kind of thing :p

You the people have the power to make Life free and beautiful, to make this Life a wonderful adventure.

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